That's right, Terra L. Fletcher does M&A for M&A. Communicating through a transition is crucial; you need to tell employees, vendors, customers, and the community that a company is changing hands. You must answer “What’s next?”, allay fears, and create relationships. How do you minimize
How’s Your Website?
Fletcher Consulting has redesigned and redeveloped several existing websites and created a few brand new websites recently. Here are a few examples.
2017 Year in Review
Terra Works with Wisconsin Towns Association
Terra L. Fletcher presented, "Polished Presenting" to the Wisconsin Towns Association in Shawano, Wisconsin on August 10, 2017. Polished Presenting Our words, what people see in our eyes, face, and gestures determine the quality of our professional life. We’re judged, hired, and promoted not
Wisconsin Plastics Hones Their Writing Skills
Terra L. Fletcher will be working with Wisconsin Plastics Wednesday May 4, 2016. She will be providing a custom writing training entitled, "Business Writing Basics for Professionals." Participants will earn four hours of continuing education units. About the Session You can be brilliant without
Fletcher Consulting Client Successes in 2015
Fletcher Consulting achieved great things on behalf of their clients in 2015. Notice the improvement in visibility, social media engagement, and even design. Please subscribe to this channel to see what Fletcher Consulting does next! Thank you for a great year! May 2016 bring you much success!
Community Alternatives Brought Up-to-Date by Fletcher Consulting
Community alternatives is committed to providing integrated community supports to anyone experiencing intellectual or developmental disabilities. There previous website did not reflect the professionalism of the organization, wasn't mobile ready, and did not allow the staff to easily
Fletcher Consulting to Write City of Shawano Social Media Policy
Fletcher Consulting to Provide Social Media Training and Policy Writing for City of Shawano Fletcher will be presenting Social Media Best Practices to officials at Shawano City Hall on October 22, 2014. She will then assist in writing the City's social media policy. Presentation - Social Media