Savor the Sweat EWWW! I enjoy working out and I work out hard (3rd place in last Saturday’s 5K, thank you very much), but I don’t think anyone wants to “savor” sweat. Sure, it feels good to earn your shower, but this is too far Gatorade. Then again, it got me talking about it. And maybe most
About Judith Kallos
Judith Kallos has over 18 years experience as an online consultant. She's a WordPress expert, sure to solve your toughest website questions. Follow Kallos! Fletcher Consulting 518 S. Union St. Shawano, WI 54166 715-584-6773
Sites to Watch: Upworthy
Upworthy doesn't produce videos or create documentaries. They take existing media, add some sharing tools, promote it among their subscribers, and watch it go viral. Businessweek called Upworthy, “The viral media site that optimizes optimism.” Whatever people are passionate about, the most
About Jaemy Mae
Jaemy Mae joined Fletcher Consulting in January 2013. She brings a wealth of social media management experience and techniques. She enjoys finding the right "voice" for each of her clients and helps them seek out influencers in their industry to build "real"ationships online (and off). Jaemy likes
About Terra L. Fletcher
Terra L. Fletcher is Founder and President of Fletcher Consulting. Fletcher's foremost specialties are copywriting, social media marketing and public speaking/training. Fletcher's SEO website content has been in high demand since she started freelancing in 2007. Her skills and experience have
Coming Soon! This fall, once it opens, marketing will never be the same again. Fletcher Consulting 518 S. Union St. Shawano, WI 54166 715-584-6773
How and Why I Started my Business
By: Terra L. Fletcher When I completed my formal education I tried several jobs, knowing I could fall back on my parents’ business. Then one day there was a company meeting. They sold. At first I was upset that they didn’t tell me before anyone else. Then I was devastated. The one thing that was