May 13, 2014 Terra L. Fletcher was awarded a volunteer certificate by Junior Achievement Wolf River Region. Fletcher works with Shawano Community High School students in the Small Business Development class. She helps the students, who are running a business, to understand the basic principles of
National Association of Tax Professionals
June 23, 2014 Terra L. Fletcher will be working with the National Association of Tax Professionals. She will be helping them to produce tax textbooks that are easier to read and use. (We'd all appreciate that right?) :) Fletcher will present two four-hour workshops to NATP staff in Greenville,
Video Marketing
Video has become an integral part of consumer research and web surfing. YouTube receives one billion unique visitors each month. There are informational videos, tutorial clips, and plenty of videos that push the limits further than their television counterparts. While they all serve a different
Ads in Panama
So of course while traveling I take an interest in the advertising and marketing. I had the privilege of visiting Jaemy Mae, my social media manager, in Bugaba, Panama. In the small town outside David, in Panama City, and everywhere we went I looked for examples of communication. Here are some of
Local Ads That Work
I always liked advertising. My favorite part of movies is the previews. I page through magazines just to see which ads catch my eye. As a child I would mentally scramble the letters on billboards to see what other combinations I could make from the words on them. When a local ad catches my eye, I
Best Super Bowl 48 Commercials
In case you don't follow me on Twitter. Catch a recap of my comments from the big game's only game this year, the #brandbowl. How did brands spend $4mil in 30 seconds? Let's find out. Observations There were lots of car/truck commercials! Maserati, Audi, Hyundai, Chevy, and that's just from
Tuning Shop, Chamber of Commerce, and Young Professional’s Websites
Saypro The Shawano Area Young Professionals group is a brand new branch of the Shawano Area Chamber of Commerce. Fletcher Consulting designed a brand new website for the non profit (at a reduced rate). The simple site was designed with a younger demographic in mind. Recent posts are on the homepage
Fletcher’s Protege Selected!
Terra L. Fletcher, owner of Fletcher Consulting, joined area business owners and others to mentor under-performing area businesses. This week Fletcher's mentee was assigned for the program. At the Mentors Advisory Group Meeting on December 11, 2013 under agenda item 2 (b) Assigning mentors, and 2